Activity overview
Latest activity by Michael-
Michael created a post, Buttons to Trigger Events
During the course of submitting a form, users often need to trigger workflows, macros or send notifications. Although all of these can (and have) been achieved using Microsoft Flow and Azure Timer ...
Michael created a post, Custom Error Messages with Modal Popups and Logging
The default error handling for Sintel will render a message such as : With my user base this is generally ignored. My feature requests are: Make the error requests (optionally) modal. Allow error...
Michael created a post, AnsweredBase Forms on Views
On occasion users need to have different experiences on a list which is most easily obtained by creating views. At the moment Sintel Forms are based on the list and allows only one form to rule the...
Michael created a post, CompletedConditional Formatting of Sections and Fields
Add the ability to change the formatting of sections and fields based on data selection. For example of a Status field is "Overdue" the field or the section header will be highlighted red.
Michael created a post, Copy List Settings, Content and Views When Exporting/Importing a SFRM Package
Currently when a SFRM template is imported, only the lists fields and related lists are created in the target site. A wizard that allows a user to copy: Existing views Content (mostly for lookups ...