Attached Images Gallery
Would be very useful to have a attached images gallery within the form in order for a PDF conversion to display these.
Would be very useful to have a attached images gallery within the form in order for a PDF conversion to display these.
Good news Adam, we are actually already working on this item and it may be in our next release on March 25th.
Hi Eoin,
Just jumped back into Sintel after a long while. I can see what has been developed in relation to attached images being shown in a gallery view when viewing the form on a device. Its a great addition! However the functionality we were looking for was a drag and drop component that we can include in the form itself.
We can accomplish something similar with the use of flow and the Picture component. However it would be a really nice packaged approach if images could be shown on the page with a native component in order to display attached images when outputting to PDF.
Again thanks for the response.
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