Eoin McMahon
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There is a new feature within the Settings screen of the Sintel Forms Designer to enable you to whitelist specific file types. Sintel Forms Designer->Settings->List Settings->Attachments
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Hi and thanks for reaching out. You can use our getUserProfile function to retrieve the data you need. http://sintelforms.com/help/the-javascript-api/ If you have any questions feel free to contact...
Hi Greg, this feature request has been implemented and will be available in our next release. Best regards, Eoin
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Hi Natalie, this request was added in our November 2020 release, we called the feature autocomplete. You can find more details here: https://sintelforms.com/help/the-javascript-api Best regards, Eoin
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Hi Rhoda, this should be pretty easy to accomplish using a rule. We will create an article within the code samples of our help site that provides an example for you. https://sintelforms.com/help ...
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Hi Greg, This request was incorporated in our November 2020 release by adding a new feature that permits you to create custom buttons and use rules to configure their behaviour such as duplicating ...
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Hi Greg, yes this is actually on our backlog. Our plan is to permit customers to download pre-built apps that they can use on their own environment. Please note that these apps will not just contai...
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Hi Darryl, We don't currently have this exact functionality as attachments are already available under the paperclip icon as you noted. However, if you would like to be able to see attachments dire...
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Hi John, this feature request has been completed and will be available in our next release. Best regards, Eoin
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Hi Darryl, Your timing is great! We literally just published this article today 😁 https://sintelforms.com/help/configurable-email-address/ This feature permits you to use a customised email addr...