
Linking a date to an 'expired status' based on an expiry date field


Hi, I'm trying to link an expiry date to a workflow status  (Status: Expired) using a field called expiry date. The aim would be that if the expiry date  has occured then the forms status would move to expired.  


1 comment
  • Official comment

    Hi Natalie,

    what you are trying to accomplish is not currently possible using the workflow engine of Sintel Forms Studio. In our workflow engine the only way to transition a form from one status to another is to execute an action from within a status that changes the form to a new status.I know of some customers who have used Power Automate (formerly Flow) to change the status of a form and while this is possible it does require a bit of work as you need to set both the SintelFormStatus and SintelFormSatusGUID along with creating items in the workflow history list that is used by the workflow engine of Sintel Forms Studio.

    This article may be of assistance to you but feel free to log a ticket if you need more information

    Automatically or Programmatically Creating Sintel Forms

    Best regards,


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